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cold, cold, cold

Goodness, it's cold. LOL I've been so spoiled this winter! I can handle the 15 degrees it is outside, but the -5 windchill gets me. <.g> Fully unbearable. But hey, only a little bit of hair froze today! I had the rest tucked up under my hat. <.g>

EdPsych was super fun, as always. We were talking about memory, and each of the TAs was a type of memory/thought process. Eric was Sensory Perception Man....complete with theme song! LOL It was *hysterical. All super hero/Broadwayish sounding. <.giggle> No one else was that fun. But then we were talking about long term memory. Dr. Zola was like, "sing with me!" And he started out, "588" and 95% of the class chorused, "2300, Empire!" Which is the jingle to a Chicago area carpet company. <.giggle> There were a handful of people looking around at us like we were all insane. LOL Then he was reciting a classic poem, and he wanted us to name the poet..."Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. Search your heart - search your soul, and when you find me there you'll search no more." <.g> Only one person knew it was Mutt Lange who wrote it, everyone else thought of Bryan Adams or pictured Kevin Costner. LOL Pretty fun.

So tonight, I have to read/comment on the stories for tomorrow, start studying for 376 quiz, and begin my outline for EdPsych tomorrow. Them's my goals. <.g>

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