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Writing this quickly, as I'm leaving in about 10 minutes for my exam.

I got my 376 exam back...I got a C! It would have been a B, but I always go back when I finish to check my answers, and I changed 8 of them from the right answer to the wrong answer. I really need to trust myself more. That's pretty damn frustrating.

It snowed! All the trees have a little bit of white on them, which I love. Like bright little accents. <.g> So pretty. But it's slushy, and I need to walk to my exam and then walk back, like, 10 minutes later to take the damn thing. LOL There's four of us in the group, and we'll work on it here, then upload it and send Eric the URL. We haven't talked about it at all, or even really thought about what we're going to say (not that we have the question yet, really), so I hope it goes well. LOL

386 today SUCKED. Our teacher is still out, her dad had a heart attack, and the teacher taking over is NOT sticking to the syllabus. Today was supposed to be AAC day, damn it, and we did narratives, which we did last week with her, too! She's moving too slowly...we only meet once a week. I think she said that next week we're doing some kind of language, which I can only hope is AAC, but next week is supposed to be intervention! And then the midterm is the week after! I feel so bad for Melissa, and I honestly hope she's okay, but this replacement is screwing us over. : (

Okay, best go now. Let's hope this exam is okay...

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