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Friday Five

Time for the Friday Five!

1. Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma?
Yup, and yup. LOL My one big teeth trauma story leads into the braces. <.g> I was 7 years old, I think. My Aunt Dana had come up to visit with her little girl Tiffany, who was a few months old. It was summer, hot, and we had the Wet Banana up in addition to our pool. That was a yellow plasticy thing that you slide down, and the banana was a sprinkler that kept the yellow wet so you could slide. We didn't have a huge backyard, given that we were in the city, but we were able to stick it in there between the pool and swing set. That day, Jon, David, Erin and Gabija were over, as per usual. We were taking turns on the Wet Banana, going down it and then back up to go to the end of the line. She got in line, and even though she had been sitting by the foot of this thing, apparently didn't notice that we were going back and forth. So she started going down as I was coming up. I saw her quickly approaching, and did the first thing that came to mind...slid off of the plastic to avoid her head. Smart, right? Nope, this was very similar to the Titanic. I probably would have been better off hitting her head on. <.g> Because, genius that I am, I didn't slide towards the grass, I slid into the metal pole of the swing set. Lovely, huh? My adult tooth in the front was just coming in...had it been even a little farther down, I would have lost it. But no, it just tilted about 30 degrees. So my teeth looked like this: /- until I got braces when I was 12. <.g>

2. Ever broken any bones?
Yup! I broke my right wrist in fourth grade. Gym class...our teacher had us running relay races backwards, with our eyes closed. I crashed right into Jamie, and slammed my wrist back. The nurse and everyone just said that it was sprained, so I rested it for a few days, and went back to my regular activities. Inlcuding bowling that Saturday. Yes, I am right handed, and yes, it hurt like hell. <.g> We found out later that week that the growth plate had been broken into 2.

3. Ever had stitches?

Just from when I had my appendix out when I was 7. Oh, and I guess in my mouth from having my wisdom teeth removed. <.g>

4. What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars?
Well, my appendix. I have a few on my left arm and left wrist from when I've been upset. I have one on my left leg from 7th grade. I was getting ready to go to a dance, and when I stood up from the ottoman, I cut my leg on a nail that was sticking out. I just HAD to go, though, so we bandaged it up and off I went. When I was there, John asked me to dance the next slow dance, which I was SO excited about. But did we dance? Nope, because just before the next slow song, my leg started bleeding and I had to go to the bathroom to try and stop it. <.sigh> So disappointing.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
Well, it seems that I've driving up home with Kate to wait in line to see if there is an April 5 nysnc concert to buy tickets for. <.giggle> After that, I'll be doing some school work, maybe renting Queer as Folk, hopefully installing my cd-drive.

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