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Grammy's and more

The Grammy's were pretty awesome last night! I loved seeing Train perform, and Tony Bennett/Billy Joel, and even nsync was good. (Still don't like Girlfriend, but I really liked the Gone bit they started it with.) They looked so hot! Lance in leather pants, JC in these utterly amazing jeans, Joey with hair...it was all good. <.g> I saw a little bit of MTV's interview with them on the carpet...Lance again looked good in all the grey, JC looked scary, and Justin looked like he'd just had a lot of caffeine. Or liquor. Can't tell, but he was very bouncy. LOL Apparently they all brought their moms, which I missed, but is so cute!

CBS showed nsync's anti-drug commerical last night, too. I LOVED it!!! I hadn't been paying much attention, as I was reading a story, but I could hear their voices and was like, "Hey, sounds like the boys." Then the girls were shouting over which one is better, and my head jerked up. It took another 10 seconds with JC announcing that those were their anti-drugs that I finally got a clue as to what was happening. <.g> So all I really saw was JC and Justin dancing like dorks. LOL But all in all, that's, like, the best part of it. LOL They are SO DAMN CUTE. <.g> Kate taped all of the Grammy's luckily, so we watched it again after the show was over. Loved Lance's overacting with his "My anti-drug is acting!" bit, Joey was hysterical all the way through (fighting evil and grilled cheese <.g>), and what WAS Chris's game? LOL Tiddlywinks? Anyway, he was cute.

But I had so much fun with the Grammy's (and my mother's 7 phone calls between 6 and 10...at one point, I was talking in 2 IMs and 2 phones. <.g>), that I didn't get to my outline until midnight. It's a short little outline and my paper will most likely look nothing like it when it's done. LOL But I did study for tomorrow's quiz and read the three stories for today. So after my shower, I just have to type up my tiny outline and write my lecture linkage. Which is about how I use my memory to learn things for class. I think I can do that. LOL But now, I have to actually get some work done. LOL

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