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I saw this and thought of Miggie. I had to take it. <.g>

You're Frodo/Sam! You like the whole worship aspect of a relationship. Plus there's the advantage that Sam's very good with his hands (all that gardening's done some good), and you get to be alone together for most of the Fellowship Quest malarky. Age gap? Who cares.

What LoTR Ship Are You?

Someone who has seen the movie/read the book....is this a good thing? LOL


Aww... so cute! Well, I can tell you this is the one ship that undiluted perfection. Deep abiding love, indeed.

You know I'm going to do this test right now, don't you? *g*

Yay! Okay, that sounds like a good 'ship. LOL I really do need to see this movie...

And of course! That's half the reason I posted it. *giggle*

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