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monday's child

I am Monday's Child

What day are you?

Uh-huh. <.g> Right. But yes, I was born on a Monday. Just as General Hospital was coming on...1:58pm. My mom had a TV on in the delivery room. <.g>


how funny, i interrupted general hospital too :D

LOL Cool! Now the question is...do you watch GH? *g* 'Cause 20 years later, I still can't get out of the habit, and I blame my mother entirely. LOL

*giggle* no, i hate soaps. coming out of the womb was traumatic enough for me, heh. i can't bear to add the trials and tribulations of Luke and Laura atop everything :D

:giggle: See, both our moms were addicted before we were born. And yes, I do have to fight my addiction. Its definitely one I have a hard time with!

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