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I had this sudden burst of something last night around 11:30, and managed to get all of my reading done, that I was going to do this morning! LOL So now it's Tuesday at 10:30 in the morning, and I am fully prepared for every class this week. Which is great, but now what do I do?! LOL

I got my story printed last night...it looks so short! LOL Well, it is, just at 2 pages, but I printed it on both sides of the sheet to save paper, and now I'm just handing in one sheet of paper to each person. And the stories I read for today were like 5-7 pages. Oh, well. I couldn't stretch this to 5-7 pages...the story only encompasses about 10 minutes, if that! This is how the long the story was, and there's not much I can do about that. It just feels a little odd. <.g>

Meanwhile, does anyone have a nailfile I can borrow? LOL

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