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My daddy sent me a Valentine's Day package! I got the cutest teddy bear, new lip gloss, an emerald colored angel, two nsync magazines, and paczki!! Okay, so Paczki day is tomorrow, Fat Tuesday, but I don't care! I'm so excited. I was so sad last year when I wasn't home to eat paczki, and so daddy mailed me some. <.giggle>

For those not in the know...a paczki is like a Bismark donut, with filling in the middle. And Paczki Day, Fat Tuesday, is the last day to eat sweets before Lent, until Easter candy. And you pronounce it "punch-key," no matter what you think from the spelling. <.g>

Off to finish eating my lemon paczki and just beam with delight. Damn it, don't see studying occuring this morning. <.g>

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