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power of prayers

I will never again doubt the power of prayer. So many times it has come through for my grandfather, and tonight is no different. The tube unclogged, finally. He was crying again, he was so happy. He told me he couldn't have done this without me, and that he was so close to giving up for good when I came through with this last one, and that we're a damn good team. I have to agree with that last one. : )

So we're not sure what did it, if it was one solution I gave him, or the cranberry one, or everything mixed together, or just all the prayers, but it worked. And that's what counts. God, it was so scary there for awhile. Mom was on the phone with Grammy, and he was screaming and crying in the background and was hysterical, and at one point, the screams got worse, Grammy asked, "What are you doing, honey?" and the phone went dead. It quite seriously was almost the end for him....he would rather die than get medical help. But he did it...he pulled through. And I couldn't be happier.

But I should probably go now, as I'm in Kate's room on her computer as we watch Pretty Woman. Well, I'm watching. I think she might be asleep. <.g> But I'm also writing, so there. : )


gosh... what a weekend. i am happy that your grandfather is okay. talk about experiencing highs and lows, huh?

Yeah, pretty much. *g* It was a fairly wild ride there for awhile, and I am quite glad to be on level ground again. LOL Scary time.

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