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From Kristine comes Which Candy Heart Are You?

Of course, "Be Mine," is what your candy heart says. Whether you've found your soul mate or not, you've got an old-fashioned sense of how romance should be and can't wait to find your "keeper." Doesn't matter where this year's Valentine's Day cards are going to come from — mom, dad or your hotter than hot honey. You feel that February 14th is about falling in love all over again — even if your ideal mate is somewhere out there in the future.

You're not bitter when you see cute couples holding hands in the park. You sigh and imagine yourself swinging on the front porch with your sweetie, sipping lemonade and playing with the grandkids. That's what your vision of happiness has in store when it comes to love.

When you think about it, there aren't too many things better than finishing each other's sentences and finding something new in those stories you've heard 450 times already. Here's to friends and lovers forever! And with a statement like "Be Mine", you're primed and ready.

Sounds pretty damn accurate to me.

And then the Ultimate IQ test...

127 is your Ultimate IQ score.
Your Intellectual Type is a Facts Curator. Like Bill Gates, you've fed your brain a unique collection of facts and figures over the years. Words, numbers, you've got it all.

Not bad for taking it right after waking up. LOL And I am totally facts girl. I learn facts even when I don't mean to. <.g> Very fun!

I have to get some reading done for 386 today, and mark up the three stories for Tuesday's class. Then I'll be satisfied. Reading them made me feel better about my writing abilities. LOL One was pretty bad, one was quite good, and one was somewhere in the middle. <.g> So I'm about average. Yay!

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