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Good heavens! LOL I was just telling Biz on Thursday that I had only seen 3 or 4 Xena episodes, including the finale, before I got hooked in November. I watched for a few weeks freshman year, at the suggestion of my Aunt Karen and Sue, who I was chatting with then. Thursday night's episode was one of the ones...Gabby and Argo get shrunk. <.giggle> Then I just realized that this morning's episode is one of the others! People in Tartarus and the Elysian Fields switched places, to the evil people were in heaven and the good people were in hell, and there were these pterodactyl type creatures attacking Xena and the hot guy she was with. <.g> I VERY vividly remember the pterodactyl type creatures. LOL I always love stumbling on the episodes I saw before I was a fan...I had one ep for Buffy (The Witch) and several for XF (Fire, WOTC, Small Potatoes, etc), and it's just plain fun remembering what my initial reactions were. LOL (Does it surprise anyone to know that I only watched WOTC because I saw previews of David running shirtless with tight jeans, and SP because I saw previews of the near kiss? <.g>)

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