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Whooooo!!! MA and I played Literati, and I WON!!! 193-185. I am so excited. LOL! Also, I titled and finished my story for tomorrow. There's not one more change I can think of to make. I'm really pretty proud of it, to be honest. Now I'm just interested in finding out what everyone else thinks, rather than terrified. (Although I imagine that terrified will return on Thursday, with a vengeance. LOL)

Okay, now go to Kate's blog and check out the new quote, under the Daria one. <.g> I read that story last night, and was in tears I was laughing so hard. So I sent a number of quotes from the story to Kate, including that one, and we agreed that it had to go on to someone's blog. So her's won. <.g> Just reading that one line gets me laughing all over again. <.giggle>

One comment about Angel before I go....

I heart Joss Whedon. I LOVED that episode, right up until the end, when my heart broke. But it was such a clever idea, perfectly executed, and I adore Cordy and Angel together. But man, that was not a subtle episode. <.g> I thought it was hysterical when Cordy commented that at least the powerful sexual feelings had gone away immediately leaving the room, and Angel froze, took off his jacket, and held it carefully at his waist. <.snicker> I just wish he hadn't had it on again in the next scene, 'cause that was just too perfect. <.g>


Lol, you can put it on your blog too!! I didn't mean to steal it from you. We can share. *g* Okay, I'm in lab and I gotta get to work.... lol

Fiddlesticks, that story was dee dee good!

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