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My grandfather is back in intensive care. He was sick this weekend...as a result of a virus or the chemo/radiation, who knows...and lost 7 pounds. When he went in for treatment today, he was immediately admitted. He had some highly alarming liver test results, so it seems to have mostly impacted his liver and heart. They're trying to rehydrate him now, but they don't know yet if the damage is irriversible. So a lot of people are heading to the hospital to support my grandmother...my aunt and uncle, my uncle and his girlfriend, Po's son, their friend Virgina...and they're all under orders to call my mom when they know how serious it is and stuff. It might be okay and just a set back, or it could be more. A vigil. In which case dad will come get me and I'll go home.

It's just...it was so fast. All that weight lost in just a few days. All that damage potentially done in just a few days. It's terrifying. I just wish I knew what was happening, and what will happen. I hate not knowing.

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