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Lady K

For Krissy, I shall update in the middle of the night so she has something to read. LOL Of course, I don't really have anything to say, but when has that stopped me?

In nsync news, I saw that Justin shaved his head again. What, does one of them have to be bald at any given time? LOL Not that I mind...he was bald when I first became a fan and I think it's a hell of a lot better than the fro. But I was kinda getting attached to the curls. <.g> Oh, well.

Only one more class until spring break! Wheee! Tomorrow I have to pack, as dad is coming to get me around 4 or 5. It shouldn't be an overly big deal, though. All I'm really bringing home, outside of music and books and schoolwork, is laundry so I can bring back springier clothes so we get a resurgence of wintery weather. LOL

Dude, why on EARTH am I awake still? LOL I'm so tired, but I want to be doing something. So I added to my sidebar...with that first Chris quote, I'm gonna be getting a LOT of interesting hits. LOL But I so adore that entire story, very much so that line, and the whole thing makes me giggle. So there it is.

I'm taping Buffy at 6am tomorrow....today. It's the last finale, where she dies..I meant to tape it today when it aired, but I totally forgot until my writing professor was comparing this one story to SMG and Buffy. I was like, "Fuck!" <.g> Oh, well. It was kinda cool to see all of last season...last time it all aired, it only went just past Fool For Love, I think. So it's all fun.

Okay, I think it's time to go to sleep now. LOL Kate's playing Sims with JC and Justin and keeps telling me all the cute stuff they do, which is fun and funny, but I'm dropping and have class at 10. Ick. <.g> But I'm getting my quiz back, and I have high hopes for a decent grade, which is exciting.


thanks for thinking of me, darling ;)
I watched last night too - I just am still blown away by the power of the last finale. Its just an amazing episode, anyway you look at it. Everybody is amazing. When you watch again, listen to the background music. Its particularly poignant (?sp) and really adds a different flair to the episode that no other ep has it. When I watched last night, I noticed it at the beginning of the epi, because I remember the end of the epi when she jumps has beautiful music. I'm not sure if they got someone different to write the score for it or what, but it sure adds.

And lets see, I hope you have a wonderful spring break. You know that I hate your breaks because I see you less, but I know you always enjoy being at home :) :) :) So I'm just selfish ;)

Big hugs!

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