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last day

I cannot believe my break is over. AHHHHH! I got work done, yes, but it went by so fast. <.sigh>

So my mom woke me up at 9 this morning, hollering from downstairs to turn on NBC. "Breaking" news...Lance is in Moscow doing the medical test necessary for an okay to be in space. Blew me away! I guess he wasn't lying at that first concert when he said they were still in talks. LOL I loved Matt Lauer..."He just went over there? Did he think that no one would notice?" <.g> I guess if I get that "Lance is my Space Cowboy" shirt, it won't be making fun of him now. LOL NOt that the trip is set in stone...the guy said RUssia probably won't take this completely seriously until they have their $20 million, so this will take about a month to finalize. BUt still....he took my advice and did it all quietly this time, with less of the potential public humiliation aspect (Lance is my Space Cowboy <.g>). BUt yeah, they kept updating us on MSNBC today, which I found greatly amusing. Judging by the slight blush on the entertainment reporter's face as he told us it had been Lance's dream since NASA camp or whatever, I think he was a fan. <.giggle> I had heard that the plans were still on last week on the radio, but I don't trust that station. GUess I should. <.g>

TOday I went out to lunch with Josh's SLP, Chris. We had so much fun! I encouraged her to inquire at my clinic if there's room for her to work with me at the summer camp. Those who read last summer remember my trials with Kim, and Janie won't be back, so I need an ally. LOL PLus, it would just be fun. I like her a lot. We both love to read, and have similar movie tastes, and love HP, and adore Josh. <.g>

So, yeah, we went to the Greek restaurant in LaGrange. And the guy behind the counter was SO CUTE. And he kept finding reasons to come over to our table ("Did I give you a number? let me go get you one." "DO you want some bread? I'll have the guy [who was walking right behind him] to get you some." "Your bag is over there. It'll be by me when you're ready." "DOn't forget your bag is over by me when you're done."), and he had this totally awesome smile every time. Of course, I don't discover him until my last day! Hopefully he normally works the noon shift and I can eat lunch there every day this summer. <.g> It's a block away from the clinic.

Thanks to Glace's link to Pop Gurl's review of the Celebrity tour based on Lance (Which is hysterical and must be read by everyone), I have a new favorite site and plan to spend my evening reading their articles. LOL I heart those writers...and like I told Krissy, some of them sounded just like me in their happy obsessiveness. LOL I need friends like them. <.g>


Does that mean he's really GOING to space? I'm kinda afraid for him now. LOL.

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