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muliple intelligences

I finally was able to upload my multiple intelligences test! If you would like to take it, just e-mail me your answers by Sunday. There's a short part, 3 questions, we need to do in real time (IM, phone, etc) but it only takes a few minutes. (Ask Kate, she's done this already. LOL) It's about 45 questions designed to show me what your strength according to Gardner's MI theory is, and how it correlates to your school/job situation. I'm not sure how reliable or valid it is, but it will help greatly with my paper. : )

Anyway, the test is at this page, and shouldn't take any longer than an hour. If you have questions, let me know. This test is open to everyone...if you don't want to use your real name, that's fine, but i do need an IM name or phone number or some such thing.

I think that covers everything...I hope at least some of you guys will do this. : )


Just for the record, it's kinda fun to take. =) And Rina, do you have my results back? *g*

I am having lots of fun, and i'll be sending this to you sometime this morning between journal entries :) I'll try to get online this afternoon if you'll be around if you need me to do the last questions :)

it looks fun! as you know rina, i am a sucker for a quiz, so you can count me in. especially if it helps you :)

Okay, the test is done. I just want you to confirm how much I suck with numbers, please. *g*

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