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Well, I have gotten things done. I called TGI Friday's to see if they have a brunch on Easter that we can go to. (They do.) I found four articles for 386, but i can't find the full articles, so on Friday I have to go and find them at the library and copy them. (Whoo.) And now I'm printing my story so I can run to DupIt and get it copied. I was rereading it, though...I fixed many of the details I found most cringe-worthy last night and was pretty pleased with it. Rereading it now, though, I'm still not happy. Like, why didn't Roger volunteer? Or if he did, why wasn't he accepted? Christopher is going, he volunteered, but he's not overly thrilled with his decision. Or maybe he's just drunk. And giving this to a teacher who's actually gone off to war, I'm all, "Well, hell, I don't have a clue if this is how someone going off to war is and he knows and he'll be going, "WRONG!" and I'll go "eeek!"" <.g> Plus, yeah, it's slash. Boyslash. And I don't know how anyone but Nghi is going to respond to that. Really, I'm putting a gay guy in the army, and everyone knows how the army feels about that. Chris is such a nice guy, though, and he wants to do what's right even though, okay yeah, back then I think it was kinda illegal, and plus he's scared, but he's still doing it. Is that wrong? Should I have thought this through more? Maybe I should have written another story. EEEEK.

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