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Well, I survived another workshop. <.g> Nghi said that I had this deer-trapped-in-the-headlights look the entire time, but I thought they were all pretty nice. LOL Goodness, I don't want to think about what I'd look like if they were being very critical. LOL! But yeah...almost everyone loved it. My teacher really seemed to like it...last time, he said good things in class (he compared it to "Eleanor Rigby," for example) and wrote almost nothing on the story, leading me to believe he didn't really like it all that much. This time he commented the whole way through, said good things in class, and wants me to continue the story as a novel. <.g> I was excited. So the comments I got were really helpful, and only one person actively disliked it. The other part of "almost everyone" just didn't make any comments at all, so who know what they thought. <.g>

Okay, now I should be doing my 386 review questions, but I so don't feel like it. LOL I'll do it tomorrow.

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