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double crap

I feel so incredibly lousy. I was in class, telling Jill and Meg about the concert, then we got the exams back. I think I got, like, a C-. So I studied for 9 days for the first one and got a C, studied for maybe 1 day this time and got a C-. Sucks. But we were going through the test and I started feeling really icky. So I left at break, with every intention of going to class at 3. Couldn't even move. I've set and reset my alarm so much over the last few hours. LOL I finally managed to get up around 4:45, went down to make myself something to eat. Got as far as spreading the peanut butter on my pita bread before the pita smell made me so nauseous I had to shove everything in the fridge and abandon it. So I crawled back into bed, and I kinda feel better, but my head is all fuzzy and I think I'm hungry, but I'm afraid to find my pita roll again. <.g> And this, my dears, is how I have to take my exam at 7. I can only hope Kathryn and Aekyung are sympathetic and don't make me do too much, because honestly, walking to and from the classroom is going to be horrible enough.

Dude, May 4 is showing up as a moon clycle on the weather channel. That's one week before my birthday. The day after my first final. Six days before my last final. TOO SOON!

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