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good morning, good morning!

It's 8:30 am, and already nearly 70 out. I have my door open, and the fresh air is amazing. I am so excited! The birds chirping, cloudless sky, the warmth....I love it, love it, love it!

Meanwhile, Glace has one of my favorite coming out speeches EVER linked on her blog....Justin from Jae's Remember, which is one of my favorites in general. <.g> Go read!! First the quote then the story. Or first the story and then the quote. It's all funny. LOL

Oooh! And Making the Fic 2 is out now! Wheeee! LOL These crack me up entirely. Lance is silly in this one, poor guy. LOL They're fliming at his house. <.g>

Man, I'm in a happy mood today. LOL Better take advantage of it while it lasts! <.g>

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