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Okay, I love spring. But not now, not home alone with a tornado warning announced for my county for the next hour. <.pout> I hate tornados. I hate storms. I hate bad weather. I get so nervous and worried and sick, ever since the tornado that hit our house a few years ago. <.sigh>

Crap, do I even know where to go? I hate hearing "Champaign-Urbana" on the weather channel. Ugh, another bright red screen telling me to take cover. I don't hear sirens, though, so I'll stay here. 'Cause really, taking cover is, like, walking 5 steps to the bathroom, I guess.

Have I mentioned how much I hate bad weather? I really, really do. I get all freaked like this, and I feel like an idiot. But I can't help it.

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