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Lance speaks!

Remember how I asked if Lance EVER spoke during the talking bits of I Want You Back? DAMN, I went to the wrong concert! This is Rhys's account of Buffalo. <.g>

Um. Oh, the story. Chris suggest that since JC wasn't very good at telling the story that Lance, since he's "pretty quiet", tell it instead. Lance sort of looks up and gives Chris this look of amused "you fucker" and Chris is all delighted because Lance is caught off guard. so Lance tells the story, in his rumbly deep voice, and it's all about Nsync and, on Chris's urging, that "Chris Kirkpatrick had magic beans." Lance said Chris's full name, totally amused at this point, and I'm all, TRICKYFISH! and I stopped working. so I think they sung "I Want You Back." ::grins:: then, after, Chris is, like, "My conscience is bothering me. I don't usually have a conscience, but I feel bad for stealing JC's story and giving it to Lance." and he's all, like, it's the principle of the thing. and JC's all, I'm nervous, and someone suggests, probably Chris but maybe JC, Lance sing the last note instead. Everyone cheers. Lance is, like, his face is all, no fucking way, like maybe they're serious or something, but thankfully, they're not. some mention of underpants. JC gets his last note and belts it out. beautiful boy.

<.g> See, Chris agrees with me that Lance is too quiet. But damn, he couldn't have agreed with me one concert before, when I was there? LOL Well, then I wouldn't have gotten Friday's fun and games, so couldn't *someone have said something on Thursday? Woulda made it more fun. <.g>

BTW, Rhys has a new story, too, Sudbury, which is a totally sweet and wonderful JC/Lance. Very happy thing to wake up to. Really, the only reason I'm still awake. I'm considering going to bed now that I finished reading it. <.g>

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