slow start
Man, I am getting nothing done so far. LOL Nothing productive, anyway. <.g> I woke up at 10, and got my snooze button to work for the first time in 7 months. Wheee! Watched the end of It Could Happen To You, got out of bed and slowly moved to my computer where I reset my groups to get mail and then reorganized my sidebar. <.g> Unpacked, which is a good thing, and then had breakfast. (Yes, at 12:30.) It's SO's Home Run Inn brand "Pizzangna." <.g> It's Chicago-style deep dish pizza, but the deep part is actually lasagna, and then the sauce and sausages are on top. I absolutely adore it. Sounds bizarre, and it is, but it's SO good. I highly recommend it. <.g>
So, yes, that's all I've done so far. Eeek! I have to write a paper by Thursday. 8 pages, and I think I have just under 2 done so far. So I really need to get cracking on that. I figure I'll write two pages a day and hope it works out. Starting Friday, I start writing my 376 paper every day, and that's going to be hell. I hate that class, hate that paper. It, like, doesn't even count for much. If you're borderline, it props you up, basically. There's no grade on get outstanding, good, average, and poor. But you never even find out what you get on it. But I still have to make myself do a good job. I think I have it organized in my mind, which should help. I hope.
Plans for the day...write paper. Grill hotdogs I brought from home (the best Casey's hotdogs). Possibly try and type the Choey story I wrote on the train home Wednesday night, revising and tightening it up a bit. It kinda wandered every so often, because I had no clue where it was going at any given point. <.g> Doesn't sound like much, but it will most likely take me all day. LOL
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