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tiff and more

So what did I wake up to today? A lovely e-mail from Tiff saying that she really loved one question on our Lance quiz, and it had inspired some drabbles framed around the question and answers, and did we mind that? Mind that? Hell, no! LOL I'd read most of her stories this weekend, and really, am quite excited that we inspired her. LOL So she posted her story today....Pop Quiz. Go read, and feedback, because she rocks. We chatted a little bit this morning, and she writes Sports Night fic, too. Wheeee! Much fun here. <.g>

Spring weather has returned! It's 69 now, and so amazingly lovely out. Sure, there's a weather watch and slowly getting cloudier, but the point is that it's 69 degrees outside. <.g> This is a good thing.

Miggie got to see the Buffy musical last night! So I've had my Buffy CD on while I'm home. <.g> Damn, I love that episode. Poor Aarti has had to listen to me singing along, too. LOL

Okay, this afternoon...must finish up the EdPsych paper, and do more notes on feedback. Pretty doable, I think. Gosh, I just can't believe it's end of semester already. ::shakes head:: Please, can't be March again? Just for a few days, so I can get more done? LOL

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