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cute josh story #72982

I'm thinking I might just want to create a whole Josh category. <.giggle>

So, josh plays Family Feud on the computer. He generally plays with one of us, because it's an adult game and the answers (espcially ones about sex and liquor) are generally above him. But he loves to have his input into the game. So we get answers like mom, elmo, nsync, etc. Well, there's this girl named Alisa on the PBS show Zoom, and Josh has this HUGE crush on her. So now his answers tend to be like www.alisa.com and stuff like that. Well, one question was "What makes a home?" Mom answered a few of them (family, furniture) and left the room. She heard Josh typing away, and then Louie said that he had the number one answer! Given his usual responses, this is unheard of. <.g> She ran in, and saw that he had typed "Love Alisa" and it accepted it for "love." LOL!! He was SOOOO proud of himself. LOL

Cute story number 2. I got some camp info yesterday (which was NOT cool...I'm worried about what it'll be like), and mom and I were discussing it while josh sat between us. He pulled over his Dynamyte and said GO RINA CAR DRIVE CAMPING ON TENT. Isn't that neat?? Then when I told him, yes, I would be driving to camp in June, he said GO RINA CAR DRIVE CAMPING ON TENT JUNE YES. <.giggle> See, this is good communication. It's maybe not standard syntactically correct, but it gets his point across and it's complex and he's morphing words correctly, and I think it's impressive. : )

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