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finals day #1

My first final today! I think we watch a movie and then discuss the teacher's style. I think that's a pretty cool final. <.g> Hopefully Kathryn and Aekyung still like me, as we got a B+ on the last exam, Kathryn wanted to revise it, and I just did not have time and told her so. So, yeah. Please let my exam group like me. LOL

Watching VH1 this morning....Lance finally made the ticker. "nysnc's Lance Bass is still determined to go to space, and I am still determined to send him there." LOL!! I loved that. Also like seeing Moby's "We are all made of stars" on VH1...I love the song, love Moby, and really like JC in the video. LOL He's so cute! My favorite part is his second shot, with the little smirk and crinkly eyes. <.g> Too cute.

Lauren, Meg and I met yesterday to do notes on our 386 exam. Man, Melissa does not care about this exam at all. LOL One of the questions is lifted directly from our notes...one of questions in it is to diagnose Julio. In the notes, Julio's paragraph is topped by a header of "SLI." Ta-da, diagnosed. LOL We discovered that after we had diagnosed him (correctly), but still, we cracked up. LOL So I finished 4/5 questions last night and will finish the last one momentarily. It's so easy, I'm terrified I'm missing the catch.

We had fun working together...Meg made brownies and Crystal Lite, and it was all good. But. Somehow, the discussion delved into weddings. See, Lauren has Gary and Meg has Joe. Now 9 months ago, literally, Lauren had no interest in dating after her experiences the year before (when she went through so many I couldn't keep up with names), she thought men were scum, she had no desire to get married and she definitely didn't want kids. Now, though, she'll accidentally say things like, "When Gary and I get married, IF! IF Gary and I get married!" and talking about future children. ::blinks:: And it's not, like, as sudden as I'm protraying it, except it kinda is. But I honestly think she and Gary will end up married. And so Meg pulled out her Cartier's book and they were discussing the engagement rings they want and how they've talked them over with their respective guys, and it's like, man. I have nothing to contribute. Sure, I know the ring I like and I remember a few sites from Krissy's wedding plans, but I'm missing the key element of GROOM that they already have. And man, does that suck. <.g> Feeling kind of left out! Anyone reading this a nice guy between the ages of, I don't know, 20 and 30? Live near Illinois? LOL Know a nice guy near IL between 20-30? LOL Not for a groom just yet, mind you, but a boyfriend would be appreciated. <.g>

Okay. So, plans for the day. Quickly finish question 5. Take a shower. Put together my EdPsych portfolio, fill out the ISES form for Dr. Zola, finish my EdPsych paper by adding in headings and citations, drop off my application at N&Q, and start to research internal feedback. That sounds like a lot, but most of it won't take more than 10 minutes each. Just the paper stuff is big, really. So, yes. Question five, ahoy.

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