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My baby's back

My computer is finally up! I had a hell of a time making it connect, but finally, wires are in the right place. And, why yes, that is over 640-odd messages downloading on ONE e-mail address, thanks for asking.

Got my present from Kate today...Reel nsync. Really, they are so very adorable. And Lance sings! Alone. Several times. Nonsensy stuff, near as I could tell, but I wasn't really listening to words as much as listening to the lovely bass tones. <.g> (I was hooking up my computer as it was on, therefore didn't pay as much attention as I should have.) I don't think I love it as much as Kate seems to, but several parts had me in hysterics. <.g> Very amusing...they're such cute and cuddly dorks. LOL

Ya know, I love being at my computer again. LOL Now this feels like my room. nsync on the CD player (it's on random, but I bet i get a lot of nsync streaks going), mom complaining that I type too loudly, it's all good. <.g> I'm gonna make a dent in those 640+ e-mails, but since I know I had things to blog about, I'm sure I'll be back. <.g>

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