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slashy happenings

Whoooo! Karey went to see the filiming of that 2002 Summer Music Mania special that will air on Fox in June...Chris and JC hosted. And WHEEEEEEEE they were slashy! She said that when Craig David was performing, they were off the stage a bit, swaying together and holding hands! How CUTE is that??? LOL Oh, my God, they totally won't show it because that would be too wonderful, but I'm still excited. (Hey, it's midnight, all right? I'm bouncy <.g>) She also said that they did intros for the artists all night, and once when JC and Love Hewitt were doing one, he flubbed a line and turned totally red. <.g> Poor baby, never very good at public speaking. But so adorable! I also can't wait to see his jeans, which were apparently worn-out in some nice places. LOL

And the best thing of all? They were BOTH in GLASSES! ::swoon:: Ever since David D, I have this glasses kink. And I love them in glasses....too wonderful. And...crap! I'm going to be at CAMP when this airs!! I'll tape it, of course, but I have to wait extra long for glasses! NO fair!

Okay, when I start to use this many exclamation marks, it's way past time for bed. <.g> Sorry to inflict this when I was so obviously not coherant. <.giggle>


OOOH! I'm famous!
::grins:: still all slashy from last night!
and DAMN!there was no film in the camera!!Guess I'll have to get the boys to do it all again!
A cheer goes up from the crowd

David Duchovny and the glasses thing? That David D??? Mmm, I had the same fixation, back in the day. The man is still beautiful.

That is indeed the David D. And God, yeah. Lance *wishes I had the same depth of feelings for him that I do for David.

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