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Watching the beginning of Model Behavior for the first time....dude, I had NO IDEA it started out with "Here We Go." That's just, well, sad. LOL It's a fun song, but man, there had to have been a better one. <.g>

So tired. Again. I love my job and I never want to leave it at 5pm, but I crash around 7:30. every night. <.sigh> Oh, well. The day kept me hopping, too. Kids were just NOT behaving. Came up with a creative punishment for the main kids with problems today...they had to draw pictures of what they did wrong today, tell me about them, and I wrote it down. Then they had to give them to their parents. It was an average of 13 pictures each. By noon. Ugh. LOL And somehow, I still love it all.


OH, I was thinking the very same thing! Any song would have been better then Here We go! I do seem to recall, however, that there was some trouble getting anything else cleared due to the lawsuit. NOt sure why.
Didn't Justin look so cute at that high shcool dance??

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