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Well, today's the day. I find out if I still have a job for th rest of the semester. I desperately, desperately want to keep it, but I have a feeling it's a no. I dont know why. So I guess we'll see. But send me some happy thoughts, please! Man, I don't even know how long I'm working today. From 8 until 5 or 8. Sucky.

I am SO TIRED. No matter what, I get to sleep in this weekend. There will be much sleeping this weekend. And GRE studying and quiz studying, as my first one is on Tuesday. That's probably the extent of what I'll do, outside of buying tap shoes. <.g>

Well, I can't keep my eyes open, and everything is still totally blurry, but I'm gonna go try and read new Lucy-fic. Maybe that will wake me up. LOL


Is it wrong to wish you'll get cut from this job but find another,easier, better paying one???
and oooh! Sleep!! bet you can't wait!

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