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Blah. Bored. Very very bored.

Scared of my final this morning. It kicked me in the ass, yo. Mostly. Well, kinda. The essays, yeah. Big time. But the rest I think I did okay on. <.shrug> But. Scary.

I made WENN icons today. Super fun.

Should probably study for Voice. Then make cards tonight with Buffy. But, well. Lacking motivation. What else is new?

Downloaded an old, old nsync video forTogether Again, which was only released in Germany. (Song and video.) It has a Chris solo and a Joey solo, and a little duet with Joey and JC! And it's a Christmas video - Joey and Lance live together, are decorating their tree, when their friends come over and help finish decorating and then look at baby pictures. Saw quite a few new baby!sync picture - Justin in a high chair, Lance with a santa bear, etc. Adorable. Kate and I watched that one over and over. LOL

The most exciting part, though? My monitor is awful, and has never show videos very clearly. Until today! I finally figured out how to brighten it, and now I see pretty boys instead of blobs! I was very excited.

Still unmotivated. Still need to get work done. Blech.

Hope everyone else is having a better day. LOL

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