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I got up this morning at 9. By 10, I was in front of my computer, working on grad school stuff. By 4:30, everything was filed, paid for, and mailed out. I am officially applied to six grad schools!! They would be

SUNY Buffalo
Wisconsin at Madison
Penn State

Everything is now completely out of my hands! I am so excited. I don't have to worry about anything except them accepting me!!!

Tonight, I plan to veg out, have fun, decorate for Christmas. Tomorrow, I start studying. I have three finals, only two of which are scary. I am golden, yo. : )


Excellent! That's so great that you are all done for the moment :) Yay for decorating (dude, its the 13th, I'm so surprised that you aren'd one already!) And good luck with the studying! Meg will be doing the same :)

Well, Kate has a rule about no decorations before Thanksgiving, and we didn't get back here until the 1st. Then it was end of the semester crunch and the boys came. For the few hours, the stinkers. LOL So there was no time until last night. All that's left now is the tree....it's so exciting! I'm feeling all Christmassy now. LOL

And thanks for the luck - I'll need it!! I'm highly unmotivated today. Wanna bake! LOL

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