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Work is kinda getting done. In, you know, a way. LOL Meanwhile.

1. As a child, who was your favorite superhero/heroine? Why?
Jem! Oh, man, I adored her. She could sing and ran a home for orphans and was in a rock band! What wasn't to love? (Although admittedly, I found myself following Kimber's path over Jem/Jerrica's. Sidekick syndrome? LOL)

2. What was one thing you always wanted as a child but never got?
I don't know, man. From what I can remember, all I ever wanted as a kid was books and a video camera. I got the video camera when I was 9, and people never saw a problem giving me books. Any music or dolls I wanted, I saved for and bought myself.

3. What's the furthest from home you've been?
Germany! Summer after freshman year in HS, my first year of taking the language. I would love nothing more than to go back, honestly. It was beautiful there.

4. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn but haven't yet?
Knitting! I want to knit. I'm starting to quilt now, but I want to knit things. And sew dresses in a 1940s style. But I'm starting slow. <.g>

5. What are your plans for the weekend?
Homework, for the most part. Work on some stories. Prep things to mail on monday.

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