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how much do I suck? let us count the ways

It has been FAR too long since I updated. I meant to post on Christmas to squee about what a good day it was, but we ended up going to Wendy's at 10pm, when I was just signing on. From there, there was just no time!

But now I'm back. From outer space? Or at least the Chicago suburbs. Break was excellent, man. I had so much fun with my family, and with Liss, and I built a bear! 'Cause, see, Jennie gave me a stuffed penguin she built, named Lance, for Christmas. And Lance needed a friend. So I built a stuffed Joey-bear, with jeans and a t-shirt and faded denim shorts. (Lance is in leather pants and a white t-shirt that has a red star on it, and sunglasses.) They are too adorable for words.

Work sucks. We alternate days/morning shifts. So I got 24 hours off today (3pm yesterday to 3pm today), but I work 3-9 tonight and then 9-3 in the morning. It's no fun. Things are still really slow, which means next week will be HELL, man. Silly procrastinating teachers. Boss-lady doesn't like me, but she doesn't seem to like anyone, really.

Nic is introducing me to trashy TV shows. Last night, we watched WB's lineup of that HS Reunion Show and The Surreal Life. It was amusing to mock everything they did and said. ::nods:: Then I watched ER, which is less trashy, although you wouldn't know it from the electroejaculator person. LOL Jennie and I watched together over the phone, which was fun.

Speaking of. Man, for the first time EVER, I have spring break plans/invites. Too many of them! Well, two. LOL MA and I are considering going to NYC to stay with Amy and check out Columbia if that's still an option. And now Jennie invited me to stay with her for a few days! Plus, Justin's doing a spring club tour and summer arena one, and we had planned to get together for one of his concerts. And now apparently JC's doing a spring tour? We'd have to try for that, too. So I don't know. LOL I have time to decide, though.

I should probably take a shower now. Hopefully, man, it won't be such a long time between posts!

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