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I'm so bored over here! Not a lot of schoolwork, and client #2 canceled today. So. Even more free time than anticipated! And I have no idea what to do in it, I swear.

I really need a job. Or a hobby. I suppose I could quilt. But I don't know. I don't think I could concentrate really well. ARGH! I'm going insane! LOL

In milky computer news, all seems to be well. Nothing sticks, and I think the smell is gone. As long as my nose isn't to the keyboard, anyway. LOL I think the fact that it was 55 the next day and I could open the window helped. But believe me, HIGHLY relieved that all is well here. <.g>

Still really bored. LOL Anyone wanna play a game? Or give me words for an improv fic? I'm pretty easy to please, ya know. <.g>

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