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Joshy Update

Well, Josh was able to take a few steps with the immobilizer on. So that's a good sign. It could go south at any time, but it seems he's going to pull through this once again. I just don't know how many of these free passes he's going to get, though. For now, I just hope that this one lasts until at least the summer.

So, obviously, today wasn't a good day. I admit it, I flipped out. I've been having a bad streak of days for some reason - hormones? weather? season? I don't know, and I don't like it - and this toppled me over, I guess. Kicked me while I was down. So it was a day of doing schoolwork, which was good, but also of curling up on the couch and watching basketball. Which I don't even LIKE, but found myself rather glued to. Some crying, too. But I feel better now. Hopefully I can kick these sucky winter doldrums and get back to normal this week. It helps that my Iggy Koopa is doing okay now. : )


Don't feel bad Rina, I've been having the same kinds of feelings. This winter has been too long!

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