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So. I get dressed in dance clothes (grey and pink dance pants, Elmo and Grover t-shirt). I head out to find the sorority house that we're rehearsing in. I find it. I wander around, feeling that something wasn't right. I ring the bell. Girl answers, says [...] is at her office hours, but I can come in and wait. I hang out, watching TV. [...] comes home. Yeah. They canceled the rehearsal, but couldn't remember my e-mail address.

GAH! Oh, well. The house was absolutely gorgeous, and the girls there were pretty nice. And of course, everyone loves feeling chubby and brunette in a sea of skinny blonde girls. Not to mention the Elmo/Grover thing. <.g>

Knew there was a reason I didn't want to go, man! LOL

I need to do a redesign here. I can't decide if I want to keep the same idea and just change the color, or what. Decisions, decisions.

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