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Okay, I have about five minutes....

Josh's surgery went well. He was amazing. Then the epidural was too much and he was practically comatose and then they took away all pain meds and he was in excruciating, screaming pain. Lovely first night. But perhaps we needed the terror to fully appreciate how perfectly he's doing now. It's amazing.

Spent the weekend at Kate's - much fun! *NSYNC marathon, ahoy! It was fantastic fun, and it made me miss having her down here. We also saw Chicago, which I adored.

The war is a scary, scary thing right now, and even though I don't quite agree that this was the time for it, I'm praying for all our troops and their families.

I miss you guys! I miss all my internet things. I've done almost nothing with the net at home, and gahhhhh it drives me nuts. <.g>

I'm down here now grabbing stuff for my exam next week, and then daddy and I are driving back up. Wheee! I'm glad I came home early. : )

And now I leave again, for a week.


they call it down time for a reason. and I happen to know there is some sparkly surprises waiting for you!

I'm glad to hear that Josh's surgery went well. Hope he feels better soon!

Thanks, Holly! He's doing and feeling much better. but we're all still counting down to April 23, when the cast comes off.

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