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name meme

Like Kymberlie, I tend to flock to any meme that's in sight. <.g>

1. What does your first name mean?
Who is like God?

2. What does your middle name mean?

3. What does your last name mean?
Keeper of the State - Son of Harry

4. So what does your name mean when put together?
Lily, the son of Harry, is like God and is the Keeper of the State. <.g>

5. What would you have been named if you were the opposite gender?
I'm not sure, actually. Josh would have been Kimberly. <.g> 'Cause of Kimber, you know, from Jem.

6. Any other name oddities?
Mom wanted to name me Shelby, and Jim wanted to name me Mickey, and my name was ultimately a compromise.

1) Do you like your name?
I do, actually. It wasn't until college that I liked my full first name, even though it's what I had been called in school until 5th grade. (That's when I went to my nickname full time.) But I think my name is pretty now. Which doesn't stop me from going by my nickname or Rina fulltime, but I don't get growly when people use my full name. <.g>

2) What do you like best about it?
I like that there's a song attached to my first name. <.g> And my last name is totally unique. I don't like the Stewarts at all, but their last name is pretty nifty. That's the only reason I've kept it all these years.

3) What do you like least about it?
My last name does not fit in ANYTHING. Nothing. When I sign something, the line isn't long enough. When filling in scantrons for exams, the last 1-4 letters get cut off. It's SO annoying.

4) If you HAD to change your name (witness protection program, whatever), what would you want it to be?
I've always loved Aimee. My mom wanted to name me that, too.

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