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So I crawled into bed around 7:30 last night. Was warm and comfy and studying but tired at about 8. Ready to close my eyes, when....ring ring! And because I'd already gotten one call from a prospective subletter earlier, didn't want to ignore another. So answered the phone - it was my friend Lissa! Who I haven't talked to in months, but still has the knack for calling at the exact wrong time. <.g>

So we chatted for about half an hour, 45 minutes, I went back to bed, and was asleep by 9. Tried to wake up before 7. Crawled out of bed at 8. So, about 11 hours of sleep.

And now 2 hours to study for my Atmos exam! I think I know more than I think I do. I did okay on the practice test, I did well on the homework, I've read the book and my notes. There's really nothing more I can do, and after all this time it had to have sunk in. So I'm not too worried about it. Just want it over. LOL

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