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War stuff

What I just posted for Poli Sci:
Was anyone else watching CNN from about 1:20-2am this morning? I think it extended earlier and later, but that was the portion I caught, and I think it was the climax of it all.

CNN was following their non-embedded reporter, Brent Sadler, and his convoy of 7 cars into Tikrit. They had been informed by a schoolteacher that US coaltion forces were negotiating for a peaceful turnover of Tikrit, and it was absolutely safe for them to go in and see for themselves. So they did.

Unfortunately, as Brent said, "Tikrit is still very much in control by Hussein." They were stopped, told to see the governer for permission to film (which Brent scoffed at) and hightailed it out of town. They barreled through a checkpoint, amid automatic gunfire, filming and reporting the entire way. They got a few miles out, and then a car pulled along side them and started firing again. Their guard returned fire both times. No one in their car was injured, but another in the convoy had the rear windows shot out and someone in there had a head wound.

It was one of the most fascinating and scary things to watch. Amazing and scary that we can actually see all of this in real time. It's something I hadn't yet seen in this war, real warfare, and it was oddly real and still movie-like. It was absolutely riveting, a real nail biter, and I have to wonder if the CNN PTB weren't disappointed it didn't happen in a more accessible time of day. It would have been perfect for prime time on WarTV.

It sounds a jaded at the end, and I do wonder that. But I was also blown away by Brent and his bravery, and by the situation as a whole, and yes. It was amazing to see. I'm glad he came out of it okay.

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