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I so need to get my digital blog up and running. <.g> Anyway, some pictures. I got my hair trimmed today so I look pretty in graduation pictures. Went to a new place, since I've never done it down here before. I love the length, hitting my shoulders, but the bangs? Um, getting used to them. For reference:

Me before the cut. Kindergarten bangs and all. <.g>

Bangs now: Eeep?

Pushed to the side, as she recommended: Better?

I look at them and right now, all I can think is, "But they're *uneven!" <.g> I'll get used to them, I'm sure. <.g>

And, for those curious, my ring. : ) It's the one not a class ring. LOL


I want to see a picture of the whole haircut! I like the bangs better pushed to the side than not.

yes, picture of entire head would be helpful!

and I want a copy of a pic of you in a grad gown!!

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