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Knowledge is power

Things I learned this week:

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Once More with Feeling soundtrack is the reason why people won't watch political coverage in depth.

2. It is indeed possible to take your shirt off and put another on while not putting down the phone from your ear.

3. I will end up in the 3rd level of hell, gluttony. I really thought I'd end up in Level 2, Lust. Go figure.

4. I am a musical thinker, like Mozart, John Lennon, and Jimi Hendrix.*

5. American Idol fans are idiots, OR the producers are sadists. I'm willing to believe some of both.

6. Emily Byrd Starr/Ilse Burnley slash exists.

7. There is a point of boredom where not only will you *read Lizzie McGuire fanfic, you will strongly desire to write it.

8. Lance Bass is an adorable dork who can say his lines well 83.33% of the time. (Witness Hollywood Squares this week. I certainly have.)

If knowledge is power, I wonder why I'm not feeling very powerful with my new knowledge. <.g>

*This is bizarre, because while I do listen to music a lot, love playing some songs on the piano, and will often sing randomly, I suck at writing music, playing spontaneously or choreographing to music. Witness my plans to watch nsync DVDs and crib moves for my routine Tuesday. But when they put it like this: "Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies; are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings; feel a strong connection between music and emotions," well, that makes sense for me, and as a writer. But I still think it should have been linguistic thinker.


1 - No, I don't watch political coverage because I'd rather watch Buffy. LOL, ahhh, yep, I DO agree with #1. ;)
2 - Been there, done that!!! :D
4 - I do see the musical thinker part of you. :)

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