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May 4

I cannot *believe it's May 4 already. I swear, it was JUST March. Just yesterday! Really! Where did my semester go?!?!?!

Anyway, we all know what May 4 means, right? Well, yes, it's the sleepy blonde in my header's birthday. Happy 24th birthday, Lance.

But more importantly? It's one week until Lead Awareness Day! Most of my friends forgot this very special day last year, so I'm taking steps to avoid that this time. <.g> One year I can laugh it off, two in a row I get pissy. LOL

So, here's my bloggy reminder. Mark your calendars now! Lead Awareness Day will *not be forgotten this year.

(For those highly curious and/or worried about my sanity - I got a card years ago where the person tried to remember what exactly May 11 was - two days after Jaromir Jagr's birthday, a month until the end of school, no, that's not it. Of RIGHT, it's Lead Awareness Day! It's also my birthday, but it's more amusing to just refer to it as Lead Awareness Day. I'm a dork that way, but this should surprise no one.)


I know, its so crazy that its May already! I was laying in bed thinking yesterday how nice it has been to have you being all bloggy lately, and then I realized its because its May, and you are almost ready to go home, and that's always when I miss you the most. But until then, I get to enjoy the days before Lead Awareness Day, and make sure everyone else knows about your special day too ;) Love ya :)

I do tend to kick up my posts in May, huh? LOL I'm so silly. But it's hard to post during the summer, which sucks, because I miss you then, too. : ( I'll just have to keep up the bloggyness as long as I can, get lots of interactions in. And this year, I get to blog a lot *past Lead Awareness Day, too! I'm not out of here until the 18th. So that's a whole extra week of astology and nsync. Wheee! ; )

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