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Dude. Tornado warning. I'm being told to take cover. It's sunny out. ::blinks::

but it won't be for long. Damn, man. I was so close to being out of here. LOL Just what I need - another excuse to not being paying enough attention to my Poli Sci. LOL Good thing it's not due until tomorrow *night.

If this storm makes me miss West Wing, American Idol, Dawson's Creek, the Buffy Biography AND Justin's Turnstyle, I will not be a happy person. it's bad enough I'm trying to watch all of the above when they all air overlapped, but to not have a chance? Hysterics.

Which is my fangirl way of saying I'm very freaked out, hate storms, and find comfort in meaningless babble about fluffy things.


Go West Wing!!!!!! (See, I *taped* Dawson's and went for the Wing.) I still don't know what happens on Dawson's Creek....I'm watching it tomorrow. And even though I don't really watch American Idol...I want Clay to win. Is that bad? Should I want the other guy to win? Hmm....go West Wing!!

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