It's so hard to update during the summer, man. No time to log on! So annoying.
Still jobless. Kinda. I interviewed last week for my dream job, she kept referring to it as mine, and then I didn't get it. She raved about me in the message she left, but she "actually" found someone more qualified. Whoo.
But then today I got offered a part time job as an aide in summer school. It's so NOT the job I wanted, but she was kind enough to tell me to come fill out the paperwork even though it starts Monday and she already hired someone. She'll still fit me in, which is very nice of her. But. Part time, four mornings a week, probably a pay cut, and not at all the job I want. Life kinda sucks right now, gotta say. So now I need to find *another job for afternoons. I'm thinking movie extra is the way to go here.
Watched the MTV movie awards. Justin was cute. Felt bad for Seann. Adored Aly Hannigan, natch. Sqeaked at the small glance of Alexis with her. Thought Joey looked cute, no matter what the fashion people said. They all looked stupid too. <.snicker>
Got a copy of Joey in RENT this week. Absolutely fabulous. Love him.
I finally, after about 18 months, took my Lance bobblehead out of its box. (The thing fucking scared me, okay? Ew.) But my mom and I agree that he's *far less demonic outside the box. It's a definite improvement, so go Lance!
Uh, what else? Should be ready to work completely on my new computer this weekend. I found my outlook files, and will attempt to import them tomorrow night. Wish me luck.
Can't think of anything else to babble about. I miss being online. I miss my friends. I need to write stories again - have a challenge due in August, and a crossover idea that I'm totally in love with. Much transfer love and such into actual *words. Good luck to me and the Boston Red Sox, huh?
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