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Less than 6 hours until the new Harry Potter book!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. There's a street in Oak Park that's turning into Diagon Alley for the night, and daddy's taking me. Then we get the book at midnight! And I read all night long. LOL

I hate not being able to post here. Even when I get online, I feel like I'm never alone in my room to post. I love spending time vegging with mom and Josh, and I don't want it to stop, but it seems to be getting later and later and I get tireder and tireder, and just don't wanna expend the typing energy. LOL

Mom is currently addicted to my solitaire game. <.g> You know, the one that comes with the computer? It's so funny. I love watching her play.

Who here also uses XP? I set up my new OE, although I still have yet to move my mail over, but even though I typed in my pws and set it to always remember, I ALWAYS have to type them all in again the first time after I sign on. I hate it, and want it to stop. Ideas?

Also, need to remember the pw for the main accont. I think it's on my old computer, in my old mail. LOL Good reason to try again to move things!

Um, what else? Job getting better, still don't love it. Driving like mad, do love it. Ready to fall asleep NOW, and planning on being awake for another 12 hours. This is where my new pack of pixie sticks come in handy.

Okay. Wearing a Quidditch jersey and ready to find Diagon Alley. Wheeeeeee! I'm taking my digital camera, so pictures are forthcoming.

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