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stuff and nonsense

Yesterday I had a bit of an "accidentlet." Nothing big, but I scraped another car, and totally freaked out. But the guy called back today, said everything was fine, not to worry, and it was really okay. So I'm breathing again.

I built another bear! Chris. Chris is white with purple tipped fur. I was trying so hard to find something to dress him in that didn't clash with the purple. LOL! It was pretty hard. I had a pair of tan cargo shorts, and the lady at Build a Bear suggested the "princess" t-shirt. I looked at her, mildly surprised and announced, "It's a BOY bear." We all started cracking up. <.g> (Relatedly, I'm considering it for JC, since the purple sparkly outfit I originally had had in mind seems to be retired.) Then she pointed out the white polo shirt, and it was perfect. I took pics of him, and him with Penguin!Lance and ComfyBear!Joey that I will share as soon as I get my digital blog set up. Or as soon as I plug in my USB cable, whichever is sooner. <.g> Next up, JC. I already found an adorable bucket hat for him. I think he'll be a white bear with a blue nose. Then Justin will be the curly haired bear, and I will have my little stuffed nsync group complete.

I am insane.

Meanwhile, Zippity Zoo Day is this Friday. It's a day at the zoo for people who use augmentative and alternative communication and their families. My mom started it with a speech path and a rep from an AAC company. Due to a few unexpected occurences, I have been promoted from running the sibling activities, to running the entire thing. Um. Wheee? LOL Should be fun.

Joey from nsync is engaged! I'm such a sap, I love all weddings and engagements. <.g> I'm so excited for him. It's Kelly, the mother of his two year old, Briahna. They've been together for more than ten years, since HS, so I think that's pretty neat. I like people to be happy, even if it's people I've only seen and not met. LOL

Um, what else. Not sure. Really tired. Long day. Must clean off remnants of mine and Josh's video party this afternoon before I go to bed. (I have a dozen or two videos strewn on my bed. Thanks, Josh.)

Sweet dreams, y'all.


Here in England we have the Bear Factory which is ssssoooo cool!! Love making bears for other people!

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