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new look

I am determined to make a headstart in changing the look of BR tonight. Who knows how much I'll get done, so it may be in disarry for a day or so. <.g> I'm gonna miss Lance! He's so pretty. But hey, he's on my desktop and calendar, so I don't want to get sick of him or anything. <.g> The new look didn't come out quite as planned, but hey, it's not bad.

Things proceed apace. My kid's mom doesn't seem to believe how well the school year is going - not sure if she just doesn't like/trust me, or if it's just too good of news to wrap her mind around. Could be both. But I like the munchkin. quite a bit.

I'm sure I had other things to say. Can I remember them? Nope. Rats. Oh, well, wish me luck with the design!

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