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My baby boy is 15 today! I can't believe my little brother is that old. LOL We went to the circus today, as we did last year on the day after Thanksgiving for his birthday. It was so fun!!!! I'll try and upload some pics. I took, like, 100. Literally. LOL

Thanksgiving was actually pretty good yesterday. I escaped most of the grandma's visit, as Josh watched videos in my room and I certainly wouldn't let him in here alone. <.g> And then after they were all gone, dad asked if I wanted to go through everything and have him adopt me. He was so cute, said he'd been afraid to ask all day in case I said no. As if! I think it's going to be great. Of course, that would likely require me dropping the portion of my last name that I've used online for 8 years. I'll need a new online last name, I guess. And wow. Then my name will actually fit onto forms!!! That's never happened before. (My last name is hyphenated.)

We started decorating for christmas today. It was 30 degrees and snowing. We couldn't have started this past week, when it was in the 60s. Oh, no. Not us. <.g> But it's looking great so far, and I can't wait for more!! We found my American Girl tree that I've had at school the last four years. I can't imagine not having it up, so it'll go in my room. First time ever Kate won't help decorate. Kind of weird, losing a four year tradition. <.g>

I have Word open in order to write my SeSa story. I'm doing a takeoff on A Christmas Carol - Chris fears JC is slowly leaving him, too busy with his work. So he decides to do something about it. JC comes home for Xmas, and goes through all the dreams, which ends in him realizing that he's ignoring Chris, which sucks. And he's all loving then. Turns out Chris recorded a copy of him performing the story and left it under the pillow, which is why JC dreamed it- it's what he was hearing. And it's got to be not angsty, and a little fluffy. So, you know, wish me luck. Because I haven't started yet. <.g>


Happy birthday, Joshy!!
I like your online last name ;) that's really cool that your dad finally asked you.
I saw a bunch of cool American Girl stuff at Barnes and Noble on friday night - I can't help but think of you, since we've spent so much time talking about them. :)

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